The library has new after-school hours — until 4:50 on Mondays and until 3:15 Tuesday through Thursday. The library opens at 7 am Monday through Friday, and is open during all three lunch periods. This is a great opportunity to study and/or use media center computers. No registration is required, just show up! Visit to see what else is going on in the library.
Tuesday, Dec. 15 (Regular school day)
8:35 - 10:25 Period 2 exam Wednesday, Dec. 16 7:30 – 9:20 Period 1 exam 9:25 – 11:15 Period 3 exam Thursday, Dec. 17 7:30 – 9:20 Period 4 exam 9:25 – 11:15 Period 6 exam Friday, Dec. 18 7:30 – 9:20 Period 5 exam 9:25 – 11:15 Period 7 exam Please note: Lunch will not be served Wednesday through Friday. Activities buses are canceled Wednesday and Thursday. All after school activities are canceled Wednesday through Friday unless written approval is received from Coach Logan. The school district has released the graduation schedule. Atlantic's class of 2016 will graduate at 8 am on Saturday, May 21, at the South Florida Fairgrounds.
On November 11, 2015, the City of Delray Beach will proudly pay tribute to all veterans with a special ceremony and "hometown" parade. This year, Lt. General William J. Ely will serve as Grand Marshal. At 103 years old, he is the oldest living West Point graduate and the oldest living veteran in South Florida. Veterans from WWII, the Korean War and the Vietnam War will also be honored for their military service. As we are losing our older veterans every day, this is a great opportunity for students and parents to participate in American history and learn more about the self-sacrifice of past generations. The ceremony begins at 9am in Veterans Park, 802 NE 1st Street. Immediately following, the parade will proceed along Atlantic Avenue from the park to the Delray Beach Center for the Arts at Old School Square. At the conclusion of the parade, the City will distribute preprinted 2-hour community service forms to every student in attendance. Join us at the 2nd Annual Veterans Day Ceremony and Parade to commemorate our veterans who gave so much to protect our freedoms. For more information, please call the City of Delray Beach at (561) 243-7010. Cary Glickstein Mayor The FAU EXPO for high school students is Saturday, Oct 24, from 9 am to 2 pm at FAU Stadium. At the EXPO FAU is offering admissions decisions on the spot, scholarships, campus tours, undergraduate research showcase, meet and greet with deans, faculty and students. First 2,000 students to register for the Expo will receive a T-Shirt at the event. Visit the FAU EXPO website to register.
Oct. 19-22 is homecoming week! SGA has all sorts of fun stuff planned. Check out @atlantic_SGA on Instagram for details and updates.
Parents, students, district employees and community members are invited to a community meeting to discuss the development of the district's five year strategic plan at Atlantic Community High School on Monday, Oct. 19. The public meeting is from 6:30 to 8 pm in the media center. Teachers and school employees will meet with district representatives beginning at 4:30 pm. Click here for more information.
Monday, June 1 is a full day with Period 3 exam from 8:35 am to 10:25 am.
Tuesday through Thursday are morning half days, with 11:30 am dismissal. Tuesday, June 2 Period 1 exam 7:30 am - 9:20 am Period 2 exam 9:25 am - 11:15 am Wednesday, June 3 Period 5 exam 7:30 am - 9:20 am Period 7 exam 9:25 am - 11:15 am Thursday, June 4 Period 4 exam 7:30 am - 9:20 am Period 6 exam 9:25 am - 11:15 am Lunch will not be served Tuesday through Thursday. Activity buses and after school activities are canceled Tuesday through Thursday (unless written approval is received from Coach Logan). Thursday is the last day of school for students. IBMYP sophomores will be presenting their personal projects in the school cafeteria on Wednesday, Feb. 18 from 6:30 to 8:00 pm.
HBCU/HSI RECRUITMENT TOUR OFFERS STUDENTS OPPORTUNITY TO MEET COLLEGE REPS, GET SCHOLARSHIPS1/14/2015 The school district's annual Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Hispanic-serving Institutions recruitment tour is Tuesday and Wednesday, Jan. 13 and 14, at the Palm Beach County Convention Center. Schools will provide transportation for students during the school day.
Palm Beach County students received 823 college acceptances and more than $616,000 in scholarship money at last year's tour. Historic Black Colleges and Universities expected to attend include Morris College, Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University (FAMU), Bethune-Cookman University, Alabama State University, Talladega College, Tuskegee University, Edward Waters College, Shaw University, Spellman College and Howard University. Hispanic-serving universities in attendance will be Palm Beach State College, Florida Atlantic University, St. Thomas University, Keiser University and Florida International University. Interested seniors should contact their guidance counselor for information on the bus tour to the event and to obtain transcripts. Parents and students are invited to attend the family event at the convention center on Wednesday, Jan. 14 from 6 pm to 8 pm to speak with college and university representatives. For more information, please contact Eunice Greenfield at 561-434-8820. |
November 2016